I AM VANESSA & I am absolutely wrapped to share THIS SAMPLE MEAL GUIDE WITH YOU.
This sample meal guide has been created to help you find the perfect balance between variety and keeping things in the kitchen simple (& with minimal mess of course). It is so important we keep variety in our diet across all food groups (yes, this means sweets & treats too!). This ensures that we are getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals that differ across food groups and also deters us from having the urge to over indulge every weekend.
If you are a mama like me, work long hours, studying or are just a busy woman, you probably find or have found it difficult to stick to a nutrition program. I want this meal guide to help you understand the most simple and easy way to stick to a diet that works for you, is by cooking & prepping simple meals!
Just keep in mind that the results you are seeking will be more achievable & sustainable long-term if you invest in a plan that is more tailored to YOUR lifestyle & goals (through consuming the correct calorie’s & macronutrients for you to achieve your goals) . If you would like to find out more information about our personalised close contact coaching programs simply click the link below & have a FREE chat with us.