What is Dietary Fibre?
Dietary fibre is a polysaccharide, meaning it is composed of many sugar molecules bonded together. It is classified as a carbohydrate.
Dietary fibre is a structural component found within plant cell walls which are indigestible by the body.
Dietary fibre resists digestion and absorption within the small intestine and begins to ferment in the large intestine. It produces short chain fatty acids which are beneficial for the intestinal cells and assist in lipid, glucose and cholesterol metabolism.
The benefits of consuming an adequate intake daily…
Improved gut motility
Constipation prevention
Adds bulk to stool
Maintain healthy body weight
Improved insulin sensitivity
Improved gut microflora and metabolites
Reduce cholesterol
Reduce Cardiovascular diseases
How much should we consume?
What are the types of dietary fibre?
Soluble dietary fibre
Dissolves in water and forms a gel.
Slows gastric emptying which increases satiety.
Binds to bile salts and cholesterol preventing absorption and increasing excretion, thus reducing cholesterol levels.
Assists in controlling blood sugar levels.
Insoluble dietary fibre
Does not dissolve in water.
Assists with moving food through the digestive tract.
Prevents constipation by adding bulk to stool.
Which foods are high in fibre?
(per 100g serve)
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